Date with Dad

What is the best gift you can give your daughter?

There are approximately 678 weeks from the time your daughter is born until she becomes a teen.

Staying connected with your daughter

Every day and every week matters. Your daughter is growing up — FAST!

Especially to the Dads, how you choose to nurture your father-daughter relationship will impact the way she sees herself, and her outlook on future relationships. To support your daughter’s transitions to teen-hood confidently, your daughter needs your presence and affirmation. 

Whether you are a Mum who desires to see your husband spend quality time with your daughter, or you could be a Dad who wants to do something different for your father-daughter relationship, Date with Dad is a carefully curated experience, just for you!

Invite your daughter on an unforgettable date!
Engage in deeper sharing about growing up experiences and treasured values.
Connect through interactive games and activities designed to spark conversations.
Create memories through special rite-of-passage moments during the event.

Date with Dad’s back!

For Dads and their daughter (11yo and above)

For the past 12 years, Date with Dad has been one of Focus’ signature events, where fathers are given an opportunity to affirm and celebrate their teen daughter’s milestone and journey to becoming a confident young woman.

Father-daughter pairs can look forward to:

  • A 3-course High Tea at Hilton Singapore Orchard
  • Meaningful engagement through activities and games
  • Honest conversations facilitated through conversation starters
  • Deepened connections through a special affirmation and presentation of handwritten letters

We have reached capacity!

Please leave your interest to be informed of the next run!

Early Bird Promo: $195 per pair (U.P. $240 per pair)

Early Bird registration will be open till 1 Oct.

Registration fee includes a 3-course High Tea and a special memento.

ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.

Impact Stories

Here are what some participants had to say after attending this event

Supporting Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Date with Dad is a one-on-one event which allows you to establish that significant relationship with your daughter and give her your undivided attention.


If you have a younger daughter, you may wish to attend this event with her next year. 

Date with Dad is designed for dads to have deeper connections with daughters heading into their tweens and teenhood. 


You may wish to wait till your daughter is older so she will experience the full benefits of the programme.

The recommended maximum age for daughters is 16yo as this event celebrates the important milestone of teen daughters becoming young women.

Research from Institute of Family Studies has shown that there is a unique bond between a father and his daughter — the father-daughter relationship greatly influences a girl’s developing self-image and approach to future romantic relationships.


If you are not a father or are looking for a bonding event with your son, do check out The Select: Mission 1114, a parent-child adventure designed for parent and tween (11-14yo). 

Find a flat surface, place a ruler on your daughter's ring or middle finger and measure the width to determine the size of her ring.


There are 10 ring sizes, ranging from 1.60cm to 1.90cm, for you to choose from on the registration form. If the ring does not fit your daughter's finger, you will have the opportunity to do an exchange on the event day.

We encourage you to make all necessary arrangements to ensure that you and your daughter's schedules are clear for Date with Dad. There will be no refunds* for cancellations or no-shows.


Requests for transfer of registration will be accepted until 3 Nov 2023.


Please email at 


*The Organiser reserves the rights to cancel or reschedule the event due to unforeseen circumstances. Every effort, however, will be made to inform participants as soon as possible of the change. For cancellation of event by the Organiser, fees will be refunded in full.

Leave your interest for the next run!

Raising Resilient Kids

Building B.O.U.N.C.E for the bumps in life

Raising Resilient Kids

We live in an increasingly fast-paced and competitive society often described as a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, where the pressure to succeed and perform can leave our children feeling panic-stricken and overwhelmed.

How can we nurture our child’s psychological resilience to better manage stress? Be empowered to emotionally coach your child towards a positive and healthy attitude for learning and living! 

Participants will be equipped with skills to:
Understand your child’s world and potential stressors
Process feelings in a healthy and productive manner
Inculcate values and beliefs that will anchor your child in times of difficulty


Duration: 1 – 1.5 hrs  

Delivery Format: Talks can be conducted either onsite or online via Zoom 

Find out how you can encourage a growth mindset in your child!

ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.

The ParentEdTM Dialogues

Personalised parenting solutions for your unique child

The ParentEdTM Dialogues

Every child is unique, with their own personality – and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. 

In the ParentEd Dialogues, parents will learn how to take a targeted and intentional approach when parenting each unique child. Each session is led by a Family Coach, who will help parents explore their current parenting challenges, introduce innovative approaches and provide useful feedback to develop real solutions and actions to bring about lasting change in the way you parent! 

Why the ParentEd Dialogues?
Engage with a Family Coach who can guide you in optimising your parenting style
Establish new friendships with like-minded parents in a safe community setting
Equip yourself with fresh perspectives and practical tools to strengthen your parent-child relationship

These dialogue series cover foundational principles that are relevant across all age groups. They promise candid sharing and stimulating conversations among like-minded sojourners on the parenting journey. It’s a great place to acquire timeless principles, priceless perspectives and practical tools for informed, involved and intentional parenting! 

  • Dialogue 1 | The Parent Species: Becoming the parent we want to be 
  • Dialogue 2 | C.S.I – Child Species Investigation: Bringing out the best in your unique child 
  • Dialogue 3 | Creative Correction: Making discipline firm and friendly 
  • Dialogue 4 | High-5s at Home: Nurture the parent-child relationship 


Duration: 4 x 2hr sessions 

Delivery Format: This workshop is to be conducted onsite with min. 10 pax & max. 20 pax.  

Have questions?
Find out how you can empower parent communities!

ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.

SexEdTM Workshop

Cultivating secure identity, true intimacy & authentic relationships

SexEdTM Workshop

Today’s highly sexualised culture can overwhelm us with conflicting ideas about love, sex and relationships. Knowing the facts about love and God’s truth about sex empowers us to make healthy and beneficial life choices, so that we can enjoy His blessings of real love, true intimacy and genuine freedom. 

Explore together God’s design for human beings and relationships, as we talk about: 

  1. Sexual Identity: What determines my sex? How do I know my sexual orientation? What’s wrong with premarital sex? 

  2. Sexual Integrity: What is the purpose of sex? What does sexual wholeness mean to me? How important is sexual health and purity?  

  3. Sexual Intelligence: How do values and sexual consent affect decision making? How can I navigate love and relationships?  

  4. Sexual Issues: How do I make sense of the different sexual orientations and gender identities? How does masturbation, pornography or abortion affect me?  

  5. Sexual Discourse: How can I have a safe conversation about sexuality? What do I do when my sexual values differ from the crowd? 


Duration: 2 hrs per module 

Delivery Format: This workshop is to be conducted onsite with min. 20 pax & max. 40 pax. 

Have more questions?
Our Outreach team is ready to answer any questions you may have! 

Interest List

Join the Interest List to be updated on our next run.

ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.

Raising Relationally-Smart Kids

Parental guidance to talk about sex

Raising Relationally-Smart Kids

Talking about sex can be one of the most daunting tasks for parents, especially if we never had the subject broached with us when growing up. How then can we confidently discuss healthy sexuality, love and relationships with our children?

Discover how you can help your child make wise decisions about their health, relationships, and life!

Participants will be equipped with skills to:
Engage your children in open and honest conversations about sex and relationship
Tackle growing online risks such as pornography and inappropriate content
Empower your children on setting healthy boundaries with their peers


Duration: 1 – 1.5 hrs 

Delivery Format:
Talks can be conducted either onsite or online via Zoom 

Have questions?
Reach out to find out more about this webinar! 

Join the Interest List

Registration for this webinar has closed. Please join the Interest List for 2024.

ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.

Raising Screenwise Kids

Empowering kids to navigate the virtual world

Raising Screenwise Kids

With so much of our children’s time now spent online, how can we raise them to be screenwise and future-ready?

It can be a parent’s greatest challenge to set limits on screentime and boundaries around digital content consumption. Yet if done right, our children can be empowered to consume media wisely.

This webinar is all about creating a healthy, balanced relationship with technology that goes beyond mere rules and restrictions.

Participants will be equipped with skills to:
Establish positive digital habits as a family and enjoy meaningful offline experiences
Set clear and safe boundaries for screen time and online interactions
Navigate tensions and disagreement about screentime

* Available Funding:
This topic is available for funding under the collaboration with
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Digital for Life Fund*. 

To be eligible for the subsided programme fee, the following requirements are to be met:  

  • Minimum requirement of 20 parents in attendance on actual day.  
  • Minimum requirement of at least 75% of participants to submit programme feedback form after attending the session 


Duration: 1 – 1.5 hrs 

Delivery Format:
Talks can be conducted either onsite or online via Zoom 

Have more questions?
Reach out to find out how you can bring this programme to your workplace or community!

ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.

Register Your Interest

Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop


Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop aims to help couples address issues that they may face as newlyweds, build a solid foundation in the early years and learn how to really love each other — for life!


Session 1: 14 Sep 2023 (Thu), 7:00pm – 9:30pm, online on Zoom
From This Day Forth – Laying the foundation for a strong marriage

Session 2: 21 Sep 2023 (Thu), 7:00pm – 9:30pm, online on Zoom
For Better Or Worse – Working through differences to become one

Session 3: 30 Sep 2023 (Sat), 9:30am – 12:30pm, in-person at the Focus Singapore office
Till Death Do Us Part – Ensuring love for a lifetime

Who should attend:
Couples who are considering marriage
Couples who are engaged
Couples in their first year of marriage

Fee: $380 per couple

The fee is inclusive of:

  • $70 rebate* upon completion of the workshop
  • Marriage resources
  • Participants’ workbooks
  • Couple Checkup™ – An online relationship assessment (find out more)
  • An English-speaking licensed solemniser (if required)

Please note that the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) requires the following for the $70 rebate:

  1. Full attendance at the workshop
  2. Both parties must be above 21 years old
  3. One or both parties must be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident

*Please note that the rebate may take an estimated 2 to 3 months to be processed.

For more information on the mandatory Early Marriage Support Programme for minor couples, please refer to the MSF website.

Withdrawal Policy

There will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows upon confirmation of registration. Request for transfer of registration to another workshop/date must be communicated via email at least 5 working days before workshop start date.

Gary & Joanna Koh

Gary and Joanna present a dynamic approach in talking about love and life. Gary’s sense of humour vs. Joanna’s straight-talking approach are so different, yet both have the same passion of helping families and relationships thrive. Gary is a family counsellor and Joanna has served as CEO of local charity, Focus on the Family Singapore, for 21 years.

What to expect

  • Understand what love, marriage and your vows symbolise
  • Identify each other's differences and love languages — how to engage in effective communication
  • Manage healthy conflict and have a good grasp on your family finances
  • Understand sexual intimacy, the importance of romance and family planning
  • Learn how to manage expectations from your spouse, children, in-laws while balancing work-life


  • Facilitated by a trained husband-wife couple
  • Insightful & practical tips
  • Group discussions (6-10 couples)
  • Activities for individual couples

Ready to register?

Do remember to mark your calendars for all 3 sessions of the workshop!

Connect2 is an initiative by Focus on the Family Singapore to help married couples nurture and grow their relationship.

Impact Stories

Here are what some participants had to say after attending this workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Our curriculum is based on universal values that are applicable and essential to helping marriages thrive, regardless of participants’ religious background.

Our participants have shared that they particularly enjoy the interactive and experiential style of learning we offer at our sessions. They also value the practical tips shared which they feel can be readily and easily implemented. Participants also appreciate the opportunities given to them during the sessions to have deep and honest discussions about topics that are not usually raised in usual conversations that couples have prior to marriage.

The shifting of roles in marriage will be addressed in the group marriage preparation programme through activities and discussions. Each couple will be given opportunities to discuss and align expectations that they have towards each other regarding parenting responsibilities, distribution of household chores, management of the household budget and a myriad of other issues that will help them establish a firm foundation in order for their marriage and family to thrive.

To ensure positive workshop dynamics especially during the group discussions and activities, there will be a minimum of 6 couples each workshop, and a maximum of 10.

We do not advise this. The programme is effective only if a couple attends the session together.

There will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows upon confirmation of registration. Request for transfer of registration to another workshop/date must be communicated via email at least 5 working days before workshop start date.

Registration for this run has concluded. Indicate your interest for the next run below!

Best Date Ever

Re-Connect & Re-Ignite the Romance

“We’re both caught up in our work and would spend the weekends only to recharge and laze at home. I wanted to… reignite our relationship and to create new experiences.”

When was the last time you and your spouse had a really great date?

One that didn’t just revolve around discussing the kids, or rushed through so you could fulfil errands afterwards?

Do you reminisce when love was first sparked, enjoying long, chill dates with time for deep connection and good conversations?

We’ve prepared Best Date Ever, a special event for couples married 10 years and under, so all you need to do is dress up, turn up and enjoy yourselves together.

Let us host you with a thoughtful programme, while reviving romance and relishing each other’s attention and company. Come and create wonderful memories to strengthen your family’s foundation.

Relax, re-connect and renew the intimacy in your marriage at the Best Date Ever.

Unplug from the day-to-day routine and focus on each other. The special dinner experience offers an opportunity for couples to:
Spend special, one-on-one time over a dinner meal
Bond over fun and meaningful couple activities
Express affection and appreciation for each other  
Deepen connections over intimate conversations
Generate anticipation for the next date or couple time

Gary & Joanna Koh

Gary and Joanna present a dynamic approach in talking about love and life. Gary’s sense of humour vs. Joanna’s straight-talking approach are so different, yet both have the same passion of helping families and relationships thrive. Gary is a family counsellor and Joanna has served as CEO of local charity, Focus on the Family Singapore, for 21 years.

Missed the event? 

Join the Interest List to be notified when registration opens in 2024!

Share your experience!

How was your Best Date Ever? Share your experience with us! 

More information can be found on our FAQs. For further enquiries, please call 6336 1444 or email

Connect2 is an initiative by Focus on the Family Singapore to help married couples nurture and grow their relationship.

Impact Stories

Here are what some participants had to say after attending the event

Special thanks to

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Through the thoughtful programme, participants will be guided to revive romance and relish each other's company through:

• Couple Activities 
• Connections: Conversations
• Commitment: Letter-writing

The Best Date Ever Kit includes materials needed during the programme and for future dates.

Although our event is targeted at couples who have been married for 10 years or less, we welcome all married couples regardless of the duration of marriage to join us for this event.

We won’t be serving alcohol at the dinner. Soft drinks, coffee and tea will be available throughout the dinner.

The 4-course Western menu does not contain pork or lard. If you require a Halal-certified meal, or if you have any food allergies or special dietary needs, please let us know in the registration form.

We encourage you to make all necessary arrangements to ensure that yours and your spouse's schedules are clear for Best Date Ever. There will be no refunds* for cancellations.
Requests for transfer of registration will be accepted until 23 Aug. Please email us at
*The Organiser reserves the rights to cancel or reschedule the event due to unforeseen circumstances. Every effort, however, will be made to inform participants as soon as possible of the change. For cancellation of event by the Organiser, fees will be refunded in full.
Interest List

Connect2 Marriage Preparation

Laying the foundations for a strong marriage

Connect2 Marriage Preparation


Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop aims to help couples address issues that they may face as newlyweds, build a solid foundation in the early years and learn how to really love each other — for life!

We used to resolve conflict by letting the matter rest, or having one party give in. After attending Connect2, we learnt a variety of communication techniques to aid us in conflict resolution and the importance of addressing issues as quickly as possible. I also appreciated the facilitators’ honest sharing of their own experiences; it gave us great insight as to what to expect in our marriage.
– Workshop Participant

Who should attend?
Couples who are considering marriage
Couples who are engaged
Couples in their first year of marriage


Session 1: Online via Zoom (7pm-9:30pm)
From This Day Forth – Laying the foundation for a strong marriage

Session 2: Online via Zoom (7pm-9:30pm)
For Better Or Worse – Working through differences to become one

Session 3: Onsite in-person at the Focus Singapore Office (9:30am-12:30pm)
Till Death Do US Part – Ensuring love for a lifetime


  • Facilitated by a trained husband-wife couple
  • Insightful & practical tips
  • Group discussions (6-10 couples)
  • Activities for individual couples

Fee: $380 per couple

The fee is inclusive of:

  • $70 rebate* upon completion of the workshop
  • Marriage resources
  • Participants’ workbooks
  • Couple Checkup™ – An online relationship assessment (find out more)
  • An English-speaking licensed solemniser (if required)

Please note that the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) requires the following for the $70 rebate:

  1. Full attendance at the workshop
  2. Both parties must be above 21 years old
  3. One or both parties must be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident

*Please note that the rebate may take an estimated 2 to 3 months to be processed.

For more information on the mandatory Early Marriage Support Programme for minor couples, please refer to the MSF website.

Withdrawal Policy
There will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows upon confirmation of registration. Request for transfer of registration to another workshop/date must be communicated via email at least 5 working days before workshop start date.

Trainers Profile

Register Now


Sep 2024 (FULL)
💻 12 & 19 Sep (Thu):
7.00pm to 9.30pm
🏢 28 Sep (Sat):
9.30am to 12.30pm

Nov 2024
💻 7 & 14 Nov (Thu):
7.00pm to 9.30pm
🏢 23 Nov (Sat):
9.30am to 12.30pm

Jan 2025 
💻 9 & 16 Jan (Thu):
7.00pm to 9.30pm
🏢 25 Jan (Sat):
9.30am to 12.30pm 

💻 Virtual Session
🏢 In-Person Session

What to expect

  1. Understand what love, marriage and your vows symbolise
  2. Identify each other's differences and love languages - how to engage in effective communication
  3. Manage healthy conflict and have a good grasp on your family finances
  4. Understand sexual intimacy, the importance of romance and family planning
  5. Learn how to manage expectations from your spouse, children, in-laws while balancing work-life

Connect2 is an initiative by Focus on the Family Singapore to help married couples nurture and grow their relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Our curriculum is based on universal values that are applicable and essential to helping marriages thrive, regardless of participants’ religious background.

Our participants have shared that they particularly enjoy the interactive and experiential style of learning we offer at our sessions. They also value the practical tips shared which they feel can be readily and easily implemented. Participants also appreciate the opportunities given to them during the sessions to have deep and honest discussions about topics that are not usually raised in usual conversations that couples have prior to marriage.

The shifting of roles in marriage will be addressed in the group marriage preparation programme through activities and discussions. Each couple will be given opportunities to discuss and align expectations that they have towards each other regarding parenting responsibilities, distribution of household chores, management of the household budget and a myriad of other issues that will help them establish a firm foundation in order for their marriage and family to thrive.

To ensure positive workshop dynamics especially during the group discussions and activities, there will be a minimum of 6 couples each workshop, and a maximum of 10.

We do not advise this. The programme is effective only if a couple attends the session together.

There will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows upon confirmation of registration. Request for transfer of registration to another workshop/date must be communicated via email at least 5 working days before workshop start date.