Cyberbullying: How can we protect our children?

In today’s digital age, where children are so immersed in technology, the threat of your child experiencing cyberbullying is very real.

Cyberbullying is a form of harassment that occurs online, often targeting children and adolescents through digital platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, and online communities.

Not sure if your child is experiencing cyberbullying? Some signs to look out for include:

  • A sudden change in daily routines and device use habits
  • Deleting of social media accounts
  • Showing strong negative emotions after social media usage or after school
  • Decreased self-esteem, shown through statements like “life is so difficult” or “everything is meaningless”

Encourage your child to share their online experiences, both positive and negative, without fear of judgment.

Here are some proactive steps we can take to protect our children from cyberbullying.

1. Create a safe space for conversation

Encourage your child to share their online experiences, both positive and negative, without fear of judgment. Creating a safe space for conversation allows you to better understand their online interactions and respond effectively when issues arise.

2. Educate and empower

Teach your children about online etiquette, responsible internet usage, and the potential risks associated with sharing personal information. Empower them with the knowledge and skills to recognise and report cyberbullying incidents. Encourage critical thinking and empathy to foster a healthy online community.

3. Set clear boundaries 

Establish guidelines for screen time, app usage, and online friends. Emphasise the importance of privacy settings on social media platforms and the risks of accepting friend requests from strangers. Setting boundaries helps children understand the limits of their online activities and promotes responsible behaviour.

Always be transparent about your monitoring practices.

4. Monitor online activities

While respecting your child’s privacy, consider implementing parental control software and monitoring tools to keep an eye on their online interactions. Regularly review their friend lists, messages, and posts to identify any signs of cyberbullying. However, always be transparent about your monitoring practices.

5. Encourage offline activities

Balance is key, so encourage your child to participate in offline activities like sports, hobbies, and social gatherings. Engaging in fun, non-digital experiences can help reduce the overall time spent online and minimise your child’s exposure to cyberbullying.

6. Teach resilience

Cyberbullying can be emotionally distressing, so one life skill that we should intentionally build in our children is resilience.

Emphasise the importance of not taking hurtful online comments to heart and how to seek emotional support when needed. Teach them to respond to online bullies with a protective phrase like, “So what?” or “They cannot tell me who I am.”

In conclusion, protecting our children from bullying requires a combination of proactive measures, including education, communication, and fostering the life skill of resilience.

By staying involved in our children’s online lives and guiding them through the digital world, we can help create a safer and more positive online environment for our kids, and for many generations to come!

How to Manage Stress and Anxiety

Exams – one of the most dreaded words in the Singapore parent’s dictionary. Throw in “DSA”, “AL levels”, “math problem sums”, and I am sure we can almost hear a collective groan amongst parents and children across the island.

With the year-end exams drawing near yet again, it’s common for exam fever to hit our homes. Parents either do their dutiful obligation to support their children with tuition classes or spend extended time over weekends and weekday nights mulling through schoolwork together in solidarity with their child. Many parents do both – it is hard to assuage the niggling anxieties we may have for their future at the back of our minds.

Despite moves in recent years to deemphasize exams in Singapore by the removal of mid-year exams across levels, the pressure cooker lid does not seem to have fully lifted. The statistics are concerning. In a 2020 survey by Focus on the Family, 7 out of 10 children felt negatively about upcoming school exams, choosing words such as “angry”, “worried” or “sad”, and more than three in five felt worried.

Quite significantly, the study also found that parental support could be one factor to help mitigate the negative effects of test anxiety on students. Of the three in five children who were worried, 38.1% indicated that they do not receive consistent parental support. This begs the question: How do we know if our child is feeling stressed?

Tune in to some of their verbal cues that may be indicative of fear or feelings that they do not measure up.

Tackling the signs of stress

It’s important to be aware that stress may not necessarily be a bad thing. In the right amounts, stress can be a form of extra energy that the body uses to prepare for and overcome challenges. However, when stress presents in more extreme or long-lasting forms, we may have to watch for tell-tale signs such as:
  • Struggling to pay attention to schoolwork or activities
  • Finding excuses to miss classes or activities
  • Loss of energy/appetite/sleep
  • Rebelliousness/sulkiness/mood swings
  • Withdrawal from others/ spending more time on mobile devices and social media
In addition to watching out for these signs, we should try to uncover the root causes of such behaviour. A fear of failure can be very real for many children as they struggle with meeting the expectations they know are quietly imposed or sometimes articulated to them by well-meaning parents, teachers and peers. Tune in to some of their verbal cues that may be indicative of fear or feelings that they do not measure up.
  • “I need to do well, or I will have no future.
  • “I am not good at anything/not talented/ useless.”
Refrain from adding to an atmosphere of tension that may trigger more stress and tears.

Exam season tips for parents

Parents would also be wise to learn coping ways for our own stress and expectations to prevent them from spilling over. This is significant when we play such a pivotal role in ensuring their social and emotional well-being and especially so when we are our children’s closest support.

Here are some pointers:

1. Be aware of your child’s needs

The gift of our supportive presence can be second to none. This means not needing our children to perform to our expectations for them but appreciating our children for who they are and where they are at – giving them the needed encouragement and a safe space to learn, grow and make mistakes.

2. Pay attention to what they are saying and doing

During stressful periods, it is more important to listen to what they say and observe their non-verbal cues. When your child is upset, accept their feelings, whatever they are – anger, embarrassment, bravado. Avoid immediate judgment, or solutions, or even reassurance. It is important to observe without feeling a need to comment, nag, remind or get the last word in. In essence, we need to refrain from adding to an atmosphere of tension that may trigger more stress and tears. Pick up on conversations later when there has been time to process these thoughts and feelings.

3. Communicate in an open and supportive manner

Keep usual conversation topics open and not just zoom in on academics no matter how hard-pressed for time we are. “How was your day?”, “What are you looking forward to this weekend?”, “Is there anything we can help you with during this period?” are all important questions to balance perspectives so things don’t get overwhelming.

4. Fuel them up

Nutritious meals, healthy snacks, and adequate sleep can go a long way in smoothing through rough days. Carve out scheduled breaks to unwind and plan something enjoyable that your child enjoys so he or she can recharge and be rejuvenated.

5. Reassure

Let your child know that they are loved and accepted regardless of their examination performance. Prepare cards, special treats and gifts for motivating and cheering him/her on for every effort. Help your child to plan a realistic revision timetable, which breaks the days and subjects down into manageable chunks. This will reduce their anxiety by increasing their sense of control and confidence.

6. Regulate ourselves, not just our children

We set the tone and atmosphere in our homes by what we say, our reactions and body language we display. Be watchful not to invoke undue pressure, comparisons or unfair expectations. As parents, we need to avoid being easily triggered and focus on calming our own mannerisms to keep stress levels low.

With these exam season tips, you can be a safe and consistent anchor for your child while navigating this stressful period together!

Keys to Understanding Your Gen-Z Child

Mums and dads, if you’ve ever felt lost while talking to your Gen-Z, this is your cheat sheet to understanding their lingo and habits.

Born between 1997 and 2012, this cohort of Generation Z, or Gen-Z for short, has grown up in a dramatically different landscape, profoundly shaped by the internet and global connectivity.

This generation has also coined a plethora of slang terms, hashtags, and expressions that shape their communication both online and offline.

Here are some common Gen-Z lingos to grasp:

  • “Slay”: In Gen-Z lingo, “slay” means to perform exceptionally well or to excel in a particular activity or aspect of one’s life. It is often used in a positive and empowering context to praise someone’s style, confidence, talent or overall success. As an example, if your friend walked into a party in an amazing outfit, you could respond “slay”.
  • “Flex”: This is a term used to showcase or boast about one’s accomplishments, possessions, skills or attributes, often with the intention of impressing others. It’s about demonstrating one’s success or superiority, typically in a confident manner. For instance, if your friend gets the latest phone, brings it to work and tells everyone about it, someone might say they’re flexing.
  • “Sus”: Short form for “suspicious”, used to describe someone that is behaving in a questionable or dubious manner. One way to use it could be upon receiving an unusual email and commenting, “That email from an unknown sender looks sus, don’t open any attachments.”
  • “Slap”: Used to describe something that is really good. For example, if you particularly enjoyed a song, you could say, “This song really slaps!”

Understanding what makes your Gen-Z tick is crucial because it helps you bridge the generational gap, foster better communication and better support your children in an ever-changing world.

Foster effective communication 

If our Gen-Z kids use slang, not embracing this language can make it hard for us to understand their viewpoints. So, don’t insist on them using formal English; rather, try to understand their lingo and perspectives.

Provide support and guidance

Understanding our child’s passions and concerns, such as their commitment to a sport or their entrepreneurial aspirations, enables us to provide them the right support and guidance.

Show genuine interest in their lives

When we show an interest in what our Gen-Zs are concerned about, it sends a powerful message that we genuinely care. It shows our children that we are there to support them and adapt to their changing needs.

Understand what drives your Gen-Z

Amidst the common stereotypes portraying Gen-Z as the “strawberry generation” or labelling them as selfish, impatient and social media addicts, it’s essential to delve deeper. Who are they truly, and what drives them?

  • Digital natives

Gen-Z is often referred to as “digital natives” because they have grown up with technology seamlessly integrated into their lives. They are adept at navigating the digital landscape, from social media platforms to online learning environments. This tech-savviness has made them quick adapters to new digital trends and tools.

  • Social media pioneers

Gen-Z’s behaviour is heavily shaped by their use of social media. They are not passive consumers but active creators of content. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram have given them a powerful voice, allowing them to express themselves, champion causes, and even launch careers.

  • Budding entrepreneurs

Many Gen-Z individuals are driven by an entrepreneurial spirit. They embrace the gig economy, start side businesses, and value flexibility in their careers. Their ability to monetiSe their online presence and skills sets them apart as young entrepreneurs.

  • Mental health advocates

Gen-Z is more open about mental health struggles and advocates for mental well-being. They seek online communities that offer support and share their experiences to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Understanding the environment our Gen-Zs are growing up in can help us better connect with them, provide guidance, and create a supportive environment that addresses their unique strengths, challenges and opportunities. We hope this cheat sheet will help you grow your relationship with your Gen-Zer, and take it to new heights!

Written by Nicole Hong, a Sociology and Psychology Undergraduate

Relationship Rituals to Re-energise Your Marriage

“What is one or more relationship rituals you and your spouse keep to help your marriage thrive?”  

This was the question I asked many of my married friends.   

BL’s crisp answer caught my attention. 

“Nothing spectacular. We love movies and so we go for movies whenever new ones come out.’’ 

Nothing spectacular. We often think that enriching our marriage requires going to great lengths like organising a lavish birthday party, travelling to exotic destinations, or having fancy dinners at high-end restaurants.  

Yet it is the day-to-day things that we do with or for our spouse on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis that can make the greatest impact in our marriage. 

If these activities are shared and repeated on a regular basis, are they not routines? What is the difference? 

Routines are repetitive actions we engage in every day; they create order and continuity, but they don’t have much emotional meaning. Rituals, while they have elements of routine, are symbolic, driven by intention and meaningful. 

Why are relationship rituals important? 

Rituals are essential in keeping your relationship strong and vibrant. Thus, if your goal is greater emotional intimacy, here’s a look at how these couples have benefited from rituals.  

Rituals strengthen relationship bonds  

Rituals are especially important during uncertain times. Mel, married with two teenage boys, shared her reflection:  

“The covid years where we work from home somehow inspired us to take more night walks after spending many hours working from home.  During these brisk walks, we managed to talk more, and touch on many topics that would have escaped our attention during normal working hours. All the walking created a lot of self-awareness and allowed us to connect at a meaningful level.” 

Rituals convert the mundane into significant moments   

A trip to the supermarket with your spouse or a weekly swim or walk may seem ordinary, but couples who intentionally set aside time to exercise together relish the closeness and enjoyment they experience in sticking to these “boring” rituals.  

Jennifer, married with young adult children, reflected:  

“We hold hands even when we go to the neighbourhood shops or market to buy our weekly groceries. It reminds me of our courtship days where we hold hands when we are out on a date. It certainly makes me feel closer as a couple.” 

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, a New York Times bestselling author on marriage, points out that “men hear criticism as contempt [while] women feel silence as hostility.”  

At the heart of lies the different emotional needs of a man and a woman. We may want to avoid gender stereotypes, but we cannot deny that men often value respect over everything else, and women, being loved. Once we can understand this fundamental aspect of our spouse’s need, we can set our minds to meeting those needs and creating a positive cycle of interaction, instead of a negative one.  

Read more about love and respect here 

Rituals build fond and affectionate memories 

Sylvia met and married her husband while working in Hong Kong for many years. Even after tying the knot and settling down in Singapore, the couple often reminisce their overseas experience. Thus, they establish an interesting ritual to keep their love alive:  

“We love to go out and try new food together. And searching for Hong Kong food is certainly a bonding ritual. This couple activity reminds us of our courtship days and happy moments while we were working and living in Hong Kong.”  

The daily rituals of talking to each other made us feel emotionally connected. 

Rituals create shared meaning and common purpose 

When YJ and her husband decided to take over the household chores after their helper left for her hometown permanently, doing these tasks was indisputably a chore initially. As they continued with this daily routine of maintaining the cleanliness of their home, something shifted in YJ.  

The routine became a ritual of love and shared meaning, as narrated by YJ:  

“Since our helper left, my husband and I took on the responsibility of doing household chores together. Providing a comfortable living environment for our children means a lot to us so we are willing to do the chores on an almost daily basis. I have a greater appreciation of my husband and his strengths. I feel so fortunate to have a partner who can complement me well, and it has brought us closer as a couple”  

Rituals bolster commitment when couples are separated geographically 

Jo and her husband resided in different countries for several months due to work commitments. When I asked how they protected the bonds of their marriage, Jo reflected: 

“We had daily calls to check in on how we were doing, and we expressed appreciation for each other verbally or through written messages regularly. These daily rituals of talking to each other made us feel emotionally connected; it didn’t really feel like we were physically apart. The daily communication was momentous especially when we faced work challenges and couldn’t encourage each other with a hug.” 

There you have it. These couples show us that rituals do not need to be splashy (although they can be) to help their marriage thrive. These simple rituals of connection that are a regular feature of married life accentuate the specialness of their relationship.  

By engaging in these shared activities intentionally, they’re essentially strengthening, protecting, and affirming their commitment for each other.  

How to Avoid Sibling Rivalry

“It’s not fair!” exclaimed the 17-year-old boy, “My mother is always siding with my brother.” 

Alex* was almost in tears when he broke down in the counselling room. He had been meeting me on a regular basis to discuss various issues related to his identity and sense of self-worth. 

With pain in his eyes and a quivering voice, he described all the instances when he felt that he was treated unfairly by his mother. This included extra Japanese classes, an overseas exchange programme in Japan, and even money to buy a new car – for his brother, Joseph*. 

“I just don’t understand why she can give him anything that he wants. But when I ask her for anything, her answer would always be ‘no.’ It’s so frustrating.” 

Alex shared that the rivalry with his brother had gone back as far as he could remember, and this has affected his perspective of himself. He had always felt inferior to Joseph, who seemed to do much better in everything that he did. 

Alex’s story is a good example of how intense sibling rivalry can be; especially if there is perceived injustice. 

From sibling rivalry to sibling love 

But not all siblings engage in such competitive behaviour. Amanda Ng is one such individual. She recently won the Singapore Patient Caregiver Award, which honours persons who have demonstrated strength, resilience and unwavering dedication in caring for another person who requires support. Amanda’s sister, Amelia, suffers from a rare genetic disorder which requires her to rely on a ventilator to breathe. 

Speaking to Focus on the Family Singapore, Amanda shared that she and Amelia were very close growing up, and often played together. However, as Amelia started losing her abilities, Amanda’s mum made an effort for her to play a part in her sister’s care. This helped her realise that despite relying on a tube, Amelia was her own person and that she had her own abilities too.  

“It hasn’t been the easiest. We have watched Amelia gradually lose every one of her abilities. From the ability to call me “Jie-jie” (which means Chinese for sister) to now not even being able to breathe on her own.” 

When asked if there is any sibling rivalry with Amelia, especially since her sister seems to get so much more attention from her parents, Amanda said the closest to this was when she asked her mum if she could have another sibling who was more “normal.”  

In spite of her sister’s disabilities, Amanda truly loves her sister, and the siblings remain close. She shared, “Amelia has a heart of gold. She would wait for me to come home every night from school and hear all about my day.”  

The story of Amanda and Amelia is one where sibling love triumphs over self-centredness.  

But how can everyday parents avoid sibling rivalry? What can they do to help their children feel loved and secure? 

Our children need to know that they are loved beyond the shadow of a doubt. 

Parenting principles to encourage sibling love 

I have two boys, aged 10 and 12, and have experienced times when both boys jostle for the attention of my wife and myself.  

Yet there are other moments which depict the true nature of their relationship – one where they love and support each other in moments both good and bad. During the process, I have learnt three parenting principles to help my children steer away from sibling rivalry and towards sibling love. 

  1. Give your undivided love and attention to each child

    Our children need to know that they are loved beyond the shadow of a doubt. For them to experience this, we need to provide them with our undivided love and attention. This can be when they come back from school or during an outing, when they’re brimming with excitement over something that they had experienced that day, or after watching a movie, talking excitedly about the movie characters and various happenings during the show. 

    For instance, my younger son loves sailing, and I often spend the car ride home talking about the things he learnt while at sea. 

    As for my older son, there are times when he would share excitedly about his latest Nintendo Switch game. During such times, I try to listen attentively to him as he describes all the various characters in the game. I know they appreciate that their Daddy ascribes importance to the things that they love. 

  2. Celebrate your children’s strengths, empathise with their weaknesses 

    We need to know what our children are good at, and continually affirm them in these areas. Likewise, it is important to be aware of what is challenging for them and be extra gentle with them when they fall short. 

    For instance, my older son is particularly kind and attentive to the needs of others, and I often affirm him when he makes other people comfortable just by expressing concern for them. 

    As for my younger son, he is good with his hands, often using his tool kit to do repairs around the house. I often praise him when he manages to fix or restore something. 

    There is a misconception that parents need to love each child in exactly the same way. 

  3. Love your children differently; not equally

    There is a misconception that parents need to love each child in exactly the same way. This is due to the notion that when you treat them equally, they would also feel equally loved. 

    But it is far more important to love your children unconditionally, which means that we understand their needs and acknowledge that each child is different. And we then love them in a way that they would understand. 

    For example, I know my older son’s favourite dish is sambal kangkong, and I would specially cook the dish for him during our meals. 

    As for my younger son, he loves hotdogs and French fries, so I would sometimes stop by the snack stall to buy a couple of sausages for him on the way home.  

When our children know that we love them regardless of what they do, they will develop healthily as
secure individuals, and sibling rivalry and comparisons will also tend to affect them less. 

*All names and identifying features have been changed to protect the anonymity of the persons involved. 

What to Do When the Little One Says ‘No!’

It was a typical weekday morning where I was fetching my son home from school. On the way back, I noticed he looked glum and pensive, but thought it was due to tiredness.  

Upon arriving home, I told him to remove his shoes, wash his hands and get ready for lunch. Instead of complying, he began to sob. “I don’t want to eat lunch!” The sobbing soon turned into a full-blown meltdown. 

Many parents would be familiar with this. Few of us – myself included – wish to be caught in such situations as they drain us and interrupt our busy schedules.  

However, it is common for young children to display such behaviour as they are still learning how to deal with the big emotions that come with unmet needs or unexpected experiences.  

Here are some strategies that enabled me to regain control of the situation and calm my son: 

1. Listen with empathy   

I brought my son to his room and gave him some time to recover so that I could hear him out. Once he was calm enough, he shared that some of his classmates were mean to him in the morning.  

By listening to him share his thoughts, my son felt heard and understood. This made him more open to what I had to say, while also helping me understand what triggered his emotions. 

I also did my best to reflect his feelings – that he probably felt angry and hurt by his friends. This taught him to identify the emotions he had been experiencing all morning.  

Over time, and with practice, he has gradually gotten better at understanding his feelings and expressing himself.  

Colouring, jumping on the spot, holding a favourite pillow, squeezing a soft toy or cuddles are examples of healthy outlets that could help soothe our children. 

2. Do a calming activity  

Next, I got him to do some deep breathing to calm down further. This involved a few repetitions of simply breathing in, holding his breath for five seconds, and breathing out.  

At other times, I would ask him to pretend my finger was a birthday candle and blow on it. The harder he blew, the more I would wriggle it. This proved very effective as it was fun, helped take his mind away from what triggered him, and also calmed him by making him take deep breaths.  

Every child is different, and it is important to do what works for your child. Colouring, jumping on the spot, holding a favourite pillow, squeezing a soft toy or cuddles with mummy or daddy are other examples of healthy outlets that could help soothe our children.  

3. Offer appropriate concessions  

Although he had calmed down, he was still resistant towards eating and insisted on having a different meal for lunch. 

On occasions where I felt my son was already quite stretched from the day’s activities, I would nudge him along by offering appropriate concessions to motivate him. That day, I offered to carry him to the table to help him get started on lunch.  

Other options that have worked for us include offering snacks (e.g. healthy sugar-free gummies), giving him some play time before his nap, or a short amount of screen time if he was able to complete the task at hand.  

Adding play in our interactions with our children keeps them engaged and helps them to get on board with daily routines. 

4. Press play often   

When he was at the dining table, he still refused to eat his lunch! While this was frustrating, I reminded myself that it was normal for a three-year-old to behave this way. Having had a long day at school and coming home on an empty stomach, he would naturally be more disagreeable.  

To get him interested in eating, I added some fun by pretending the spoon was a spaceship, and by getting him to open his mouth like his favourite dinosaur.  

Adding a healthy dose of play to our otherwise mundane interactions with our children keeps them engaged and helps them to get on board with their daily routines. 

Celebrating little wins of the day helps parents to go the distance. 

The importance of self-care and healthy expectations 

Young children often “act out” when their needs are unmet, such as when they are overtired, hungry, or overwhelmed by difficult situations.  

But it can be challenging to extend grace to our children by seeking to understand their needs. After all, in the heat of the moment, how many of us can maintain an air of patience and calm? 

Here’s where it is important for us to practise self-care to ensure our own love tanks are filled. When we are well rested, we are in a better position to co-regulate our children’s big emotions and help address their needs.  

Let’s also be clear, no one is perfect. While we can take incremental steps to improve our parentcraft, we will inevitably fall short on some days.  

I’ve discovered that celebrating the little wins of the day helps my wife and I go the distance – such as rejoicing when one child reaches a growth milestone, discovering new things about them, or even unwinding after they are safely tucked into bed.  

As you practise these tools for self-care and managing toddler meltdowns, I hope you will grow in your parentcraft and learn to find joy – even amidst the hair-raising moments. 

As a Dad, How Can I Support My Son Through Puberty?

Talking to your son about puberty and the various changes that come with it can be challenging. Embarrassment, awkwardness, fear, or even feelings of inadequacy may make you dread having to broach the subject with your son. Whatever your struggle may be, know that you’re not alone.  

However, research has shown that it is important to educate our children on puberty in a thorough and timely manner because it allows them to make well-informed decisions regarding their sexuality and prevent problems that result from inadequate and late sexuality education. As a father, you’re in the best position to affirm your son and build his confidence during this confusing transition from boyhood to manhood. 

Primary Years (7-9 years) 

Preparing for puberty 

Puberty for boys typically starts around 12 years old, but it is also not uncommon for some boys to start puberty as early as 10 years old.  

Starting the conversations about puberty early can help your son feel more prepared for it as he will be able to anticipate the changes instead of being caught by surprise and feeling uncomfortable or even scared by them. Reassure him that every boy goes through puberty at different times so even if he starts puberty early or late, he does not need to worry.  

If your son has an older sister, this is also a good age to talk to your son about the changes that girls go through if he starts to notice these changes and is showing curiosity about them. Emphasise that girls’ and boys’ bodies are different, and we should be respectful and sensitive towards the opposite sex.  

Changes to expect at puberty 

Approaching the topic by presenting accurate information in a calm and confident manner is one way to reduce your son’s fear of the unknown. Let him know that puberty is a normal process into manhood, and that the changes while sometimes awkward and embarrassing, are preparing him to start his own family one day. 

The physical changes you may want to cover during this time can include growth in height, weight, muscle mass, genitals (scrotum and testicles, and then his penis growing larger); hair growth (on his face, armpits, and pubic areas); and a deepening of his voice. 

Use this time to teach him to take care of his personal hygiene – how to use face wash, pimple cream, and deodorant as well as how to shave.   

Your son may feel self-conscious about his body and may compare himself with his friends (maybe in terms of body image or genital size). Reassure him that everyone is different and that there is no one right way to look or behave as a young man. Emphasise values that are desirable traits as well, such as kindness, integrity, and respect for others. 

You may also want to use this time to teach him how to eat healthily as his appetite grows as well as proper exercise regimes.  

Tween Years (10-12 years) 

Talk to your son about the occurrence of things like erections and wet dreams, reassuring him that it is perfectly normal if they happen and perfectly normal if they don’t. This will ensure he doesn’t get caught off guard.  

It is also helpful if you could share personal tips on how to handle potentially awkward situations, such as getting an erection in the middle of class. Explain that sometimes it happens when the bladder is full, or when he feels emotionally moved or stimulated. Such incidents need not be sexual in nature. 

It’s important to note that one conversation is just the beginning – there needs to be multiple conversations with plenty of opportunities for him to ask questions throughout your son’s journey with puberty. Reassure him that you are available and willing to discuss all the questions he may have about puberty, his body, girls and sex.  

This is also a good age to talk to your son about masturbation and pornography, which tend to come together. The likelihood of your son being exposed to pornography is high, so it is important to educate him on how it can be harmful to him. Share with your son your family’s values about marriage, sex, and respect, and how masturbation does not align with those values.  

Teen Years (13-15 years)

You may want to cover some of the mental and emotional changes he may go through at this age, like a changing attitude towards girls as well as thoughts about sex and sexuality.  

At this age, your son may have friends who have started dating, or he himself may be considering dating. Take this time to share with your son some qualities that show when a couple is ready to start dating – i.e. the values of kindness, respect and responsibility that you’ve been emphasising and modelling over your son’s growing up years.  

This is also a good time to talk to your son about your family’s stand on dating and the appropriate boundaries that should be drawn when going on dates, as well as healthy physical and emotional boundaries between friends, especially those of the opposite sex.  

Emphasise that these boundaries are not to make him feel restricted in his friendships but to ensure that everyone is respected and protected so that his friendships can grow in a healthy way.  

Talking about puberty is the beginning of your journey discussing sexuality with your son. Remember, if you aren’t the one providing your son with accurate information about his budding sexuality, social media, the internet, and his friends will fill that void.  

Conversations About Sex Need Not Be So Tough

Research shows that when parents engage their children in topics on sexuality, their children grow to make wiser choices in relationships and sex. To help you overcome your fears in broaching the topic, we have designed a Talk About Sex video series specially for parent and child (aged 7-12) to enjoy, engage with and learn together!

How Can Mums Support Girls Through Puberty?

Primary Years (7-9 Years)

Preparing for puberty 

Puberty for girls typically starts around 11 or 12 years old. It is, however, not uncommon for girls to start puberty earlier at 9 or 10 years old.  

Start the talk about puberty early to prepare her for the upcoming changes. This will allow her to anticipate the changes ahead instead of being caught by surprise when she gets her first period.  

Providing information in a factual and natural manner through on-going talks can ease her anxiety about puberty and accept that it is a natural (and healthy!) stage of development. You can talk about how her body will change as she grows from a girl into a young lady. Allow her to ask questions and clarify concerns she may have heard from others.  

Your daughter may worry about whether menstruation will be troublesome, uncomfortable, and painful. You could help reframe her thoughts about this so she feels more positively about such changes. Share about the wonders of how her body is developing and preparing her for womanhood, opening up the possibility of motherhood in the future. Keep an encouraging tone as your attitude will influence how comfortable she is about her body.  

A practical way to get your daughter ready for puberty is shopping for training bras and period underwear. The appearance of breast buds is the first sign before the start of menstruation. She may feel shy or awkward at first but explain that this is a rite of passage and that it is completely normal to feel these emotions.  

Tween Years (10-12 Years) 

Changes to expect at puberty 

At puberty, girls will develop breasts, grow hair under their arms and on their legs, shoot up in height and experience their first period. Other physical changes that may be noticeable at puberty are oily skin, pimples on the face, wider hips and body odour.  

Before your child experiences her first period, be sure she has a supply of sanitary pads or tampons at hand. Talk to her about how to use them, how often to change them and to pack them in her bag so she is prepared.  

Avoid scaring her about cramps or mood swings and teach her there is nothing to be embarrassed about periods. Teach her to take care of her personal hygiene that includes using a face wash, pimple cream, and deodorant.  

Managing emotional changes   

During puberty, another noticeable change in girls is mood swings. Your daughter may find it very confusing and irrational to swing from being happy one moment, then sad the next.  

Be patient with her and assure her that it is due in part to her brain development at puberty. As a teen’s prefrontal cortex is still developing, your daughter will rely more on her amygdala, a part of the brain associated with emotions and impulses.  

You can remind your daughter that while she may experience moodiness, it is not an excuse to be rude or unkind in her words and behaviour. Teach her to build her self-awareness and take charge of her feelings with practical tips like breathing exercises, listening to music, taking a shower, or going for a walk. Bear in mind the tween stage is also when environmental stress starts to build up with greater academic pressure on the school front. Assure her that you are there for her to give support without any judgement.  

Teen Years (13-15 years) 

Different teens may experience puberty earlier or later. If your daughter has not started puberty, put her mind at ease by reminding her that everyone is unique.  

This is a fitting time to start talking to your daughter about identity, self-esteem and self-worth as teenage girls may become more conscious of their appearance and weight. This could be exacerbated if she is already exposed to social media messages that glamourise beauty and popularity.  

For mothers, building a healthy body image for our teens may start with accepting and embracing our own body. Often, children catch what we say rather than what we teach. Let your daughter hear you compliment other women for their virtues instead of appearance. Point out her character strengths that are beyond skin deep and that may go unnoticed. These messages will remind her that self-confidence comes from within and she is so much more than how she looks.  

In the teenage phase, your child may start to have feelings of attraction for the opposite sex. Have talks with her on how to develop healthy friendships and how to set appropriate boundaries. Keep these talks light-hearted and give her opportunities to share her views.  

With your loving guidance and support, puberty will no longer be a scary or confusing time for your teen! 

Conversations About Sex Need Not Be So Tough

Research shows that when parents engage their children in topics on sexuality, their children grow to make wiser choices in relationships and sex. To help you overcome your fears in broaching the topic, we have designed a Talk About Sex video series specially for parent and child (aged 7-12) to enjoy, engage with and learn together!

How Far Is Too Far?

Tween Years (10-12)

Every child is different, so while some children at this age might find physical intimacy between male and female disgusting, others may be drawn to it. Talk to your child about physical intimacy in the context of a loving relationship – how a man and a woman express romantic love by physical closeness and contact. The deeper the relationship, the greater such physical contact is. Whether your children are used to seeing you and your spouse showing physical affections in front of them or not, openly share that couples do kiss, cuddle and enjoy great physical intimacy as part of the relationship between husband and wife. If you find that your child enjoys physical affection and likes expressing their affection physically, give them lots of that too so that they do not need to seek it elsewhere.   

The tween years are when they can start to develop crushes on friends of the opposite sex, or on celebrities. With the latter, they can get exposed to “less kiddy” lifestyles through shows and media featuring their idols.  

As far as possible, be aware of shows and videos your child is watching, so that you can use them as conversation topics. You may want to stress that screen life is not real life so they do not subconsciously adopt behaviours or mindsets contrary to your family’s values. This also help them grow in awareness about media influence since they may sub-consciously mimic trends, attitudes and even behaviours towards boy-girl relationships. 

You can pick up teaching moments when you watch shows together; for example, when characters fall in love through a prolonged gaze on screen, ask your child if they think that’s how people fall in love in real life. Teach them about physical boundaries in any relationship, even for a romantic one, and walk through with them on what to do when they encounter unwanted physical contact.

Teen & Late Teen Years (13-19) 

Your teen is likely to already have peers who are in romantic relationships. Being liked is a big deal at this age as they explore and define their identities. So help them build their self-image and worth on their values and character, not on appearances and what they have or have not, i.e. a boyfriend, the newest gadget, or a certain weight.  

In their early teen years, start the conversation on when they can have a boyfriend or girlfriend. As they grow, you can expand the topic to what they think is appropriate physical boundaries for a couple. When mapping these boundaries, you probably want to list behaviours like kissing on the cheek, kissing on lips, French kissing, touching above clothes, under clothes, mutual sex play and sexual intercourse. The key to note is that sexual feeling increases with physical intimacy and when couples start to make out, it can be very hard to stop. Research shows that sexual arousal turns off certain parts of the brain that controls reasoning and self-control. Things can easily go out of control and you might find yourself in a position which you do not want to be in.  

Some questions to ask are: 

  • Is sleeping together on the same bed with your boyfriend/girlfriend okay? 
  • Will it set you up to be in a situation you rather not be in? 
  • What do you think of sexting, or being asked to send a nude? 
  • What if you feel like going further beyond your personal boundaries or your partner starts touching you somewhere you rather they don’t? What do you do? 

Go through probable situations so they know what to do if and when they do happen.  

You – and your teen – may cringe at the thought of mentioning these details but talking about it also helps them think through what sex entails, especially when their image of it may be built on just what is depicted on media.  

Sexual intimacy happens not just on a physical level – there are emotional (your feelings), ethical (values and consequences), social (the way you relate to others) and intellectual (evaluation and making of choices) aspects as well. Oxytocin is released during arousal, therefore there is also an automatic attachment and bonding. This means that even if sex is supposed to be “no strings attached” on an emotional level, attachment happens anyway biologically. Talk deeper with them about the consequences of sex before marriage.  

Sexual activities can have long-term implications. Research actually shows that teenage sexual activity is linked to a higher percentage of depression, loss of self-worth and even suicide attempts. Those who refrained from pre-marital sex also reported higher marital satisfaction. You can frame the conversation from the angle of short-term and long-term pros and cons and consequences based on the choices they make.   

At all times, avoid fear or shame in the conversations but do be honest and real. If you suspect, or are told by your child that they may have gone too far, continue to be calm and process the situation with them. Assure them of your love and ask them how they feel and think about the situation and how they would like you to support them. Continue to be a safe space for them and help them build a healthy understanding of sexuality and to know how to make wise decisions for their long-term welfare.  

Conversations About Sex Need Not Be So Tough

Research shows that when parents engage their children in topics on sexuality, their children grow to make wiser choices in relationships and sex. To help you overcome your fears in broaching the topic, we have designed a Talk About Sex video series specially for parent and child (aged 7-12) to enjoy, engage with and learn together!

What Are Values and How Do They Affect Me?

Tween Years (10-12 Years)

Values are belief systems held by a person or even by a family or even corporately by larger groups like a school, company or culture. In fact, in your school hall, you may even see your school’s values on the walls, encompassing traits like “honesty”, “kindness” and so on. 
Ethics is another word that you may hear when talking about values. Both refer to the belief system we have internally that affects what we do externally.  
Generally, we tend to adopt the value systems of our family of origin. However, our personal beliefs can also be shaped by values held by our peers, or the community we are a part of.  
As you grow older and the sources of influence in your life expands, you may also find your values challenged when you meet people with opposing values. If these people are important to you, feelings of confusion or tension may arise. It may also be tempting to adopt their values. 
But why are values so important?

Teen Years (13-15 Years) 

Think of the smartphone or laptop you are using right now to read this article.  
Beneath the surface of your device, there’s a complex system of microchips, wires, batteries and motherboard designed to power your device and make it work.  
No one sees them but they are there.  
Without them, even if you have the laptop casing or phone casing, it won’t work.  
Values are like that internal system of intricate wiring and hardwire. They determine your perspectives, attitude, and behaviour on the outside.  
They may be unseen but they set the course for your life, aiding you in all the big and small decisions, from simple ones like dressing to complex ones like sexual expression.  
They can guide what you choose to view or do on your devices. They also likely influence your choice of friends and even romantic partners in the future  
Besides being that internal engine, values are also like anchors.  
They keep you rooted to something when you experience new places, new things and even the storms of life.  
Without strong values and committed beliefs, your life may begin to look like a ship that is adrift, easily swayed by external factors or others who have strong opinions. Without values, your emotions can also become an unpredictable leader.

Late Teens (16-19 Years)

What do you believe is right or wrong? What do you do if the values of others clash with your own? What if your boyfriend or girlfriend has different values regarding sex and sexuality?  
These are hard questions for everyone. But remember, your values act like landmarks and signposts to help you navigate life’s ups and downs.  
Managing strong feelings can be hard. However, it is not impossible and very often, working through challenges and struggles can help you strengthen your values and your character.   
Your values will also help you set healthy boundaries around you so you make choices to be open to some people and closed to others.  
They will also help you decide which friends you want to keep close and which to let go.  
If you are not sure what your own values are, why not take time to think about it and write down a few? 
You can start by thinking about what you value and why. Then expand that to how that value can be expressed and even its boundaries, e.g., Integrity, expressed in my words and actions. I would not like my close friends and family to lie to me. A simple way of charting this out is to draw a simple table with three columns and put as headers for each column – Value, Expression, Boundaries. 
Over time, you may find yourself returning to these “value statements” to keep adding on or refining their expression and boundaries

Conversations About Sex Need Not Be So Tough

Research shows that when parents engage their children in topics on sexuality, their children grow to make wiser choices in relationships and sex. To help you overcome your fears in broaching the topic, we have designed a Talk About Sex video series specially for parent and child (aged 7-12) to enjoy, engage with and learn together!