
While parenting can be both challenging and rewarding, find helpful resources to help you navigate parenthood.


Whether you are preparing for or looking to strengthen your marriage, here are resources to help you along every step.

Marriage Prep

From Friendship to Relationship - What Does It Take?

Learn how this couple navigated from a 7-year friendship into a relationship.

08 Aug, 2024

3 Myths to Debunk Before Marriage

Planning to say "I do?" Here are three myths to debunk even as you work towards a lifelong union.

09 May, 2024

Three Relationship Principles To Cultivate for a Strong Start to Marriage

Tensions experienced between a couple leading up to a wedding causes many to grow weary and lose heart. Here are three principles to tide you through this rollercoaster before your marriage.

01 Mar, 2024
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Events for parents



Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop

Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop aims to help couples address issues that they may face as newlyweds, build a solid foundation in the early years and learn how to really love each other — for life!



Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop

Connect2 Marriage Preparation Workshop aims to help couples address issues that they may face as newlyweds, build a solid foundation in the early years and learn how to really love each other — for life!

We offer programmes for parents too

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