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Dealing with the Stresses of Youth

Published on 12 July, 2023

Ee Jay Chong


A trained counsellor, a hands-on father and dedicated husband, Ee Jay still makes time for his regular run and the occasional marathon.

A survey on mental health last year found that 90% of undergrads in Singapore felt that work and study commitments were their greatest sources of stress. How can parents respond to their youth in times of stress?

Join our host, Chong Ee Jay, who hears from Hosanna Nazar, a 25-year-old studying psychology in university.

From societal to financial pressures, Hosanna unravels the hardships of navigating stress in today’s world and provides practical advice on how to cope with them. Through her personal experiences, parents can better understand the challenges that young people face and ways to support and encourage them.

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Ee Jay Chong


A trained counsellor, a hands-on father and dedicated husband, Ee Jay still makes time for his regular run and the occasional marathon.

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