
While parenting can be both challenging and rewarding, find helpful resources to help you navigate parenthood.


Whether you are preparing for or looking to strengthen your marriage, here are resources to help you along every step.

Family Planning

How Do I Know My Marriage Is Ready for Kids?

The gift of a child is exciting, life-changing, and uncertain all at once! Here are some points to consider should you be contemplating on having a child soon.

06 Apr, 2024

The Emerging Family Report

The Emerging Family Report presents a summary of the discussions held at State of the Family 2024: Shaping Next Generation Relationships. State of the Family is Focus' annual event which aims to provide our key partners with an analysis of emerging trends impacting the Family.

22 Mar, 2024

Post-Natal Care: What Should I Be Ready For?

Being a new mum can be exciting yet nerve-wrecking. Here are some tips to help us ease into this new season of the 4th trimester.

07 Feb, 2024
How can we help?
I am a
I need help with
for my
  • Transitions
  • Marital Communication
  • Family Planning

Post-Natal Care: What Should I Be Ready For?

Conversations to determine your preparedness for parenthood

The gift of a child is exciting, life-changing, and uncertain all at once! Here are some points to consider should you be contemplating on having a child soon.

We offer programmes for parents too

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