Trusting the Process in Motherhood
Motherhood is one of the most unique experiences in this world – even in the way it challenges you. In the sowing and waiting, what does it mean to trust the process?
Motherhood is one of the most unique experiences in this world – even in the way it challenges you. In the sowing and waiting, what does it mean to trust the process?
Being a new mum can be exciting yet nerve-wrecking. Here are some tips to help us ease into this new season of the 4th trimester.
While you're a mother, you are also a wife, a daughter, or even a doctor. When motherhood seems to override every other role, how do you reclaim your own identity?
Some people like to do a mid-term life review to ensure they are on track with their goals. Educational institutions have assessments or exams to evaluate their students’ learning. Have you done a mid-year assessment of your role as a mother?
“I’m just a SAHM trying to run the household and parent the boys. I’m just a work machine completing the same daily routines. I’m just attending to everyone’s needs except mine.” Although people told me that I was much more than that, I struggled to believe it.
In whatever season you find yourself in, focusing on the family is a decision you will have to make. It will require commitment, and it will require sacrifice.