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Methodist schools and educators honoured as FamChamps celebrates 10 years of raising young family champions

Methodist Message
Republished with Permission
1 August 2024

“If we want to strengthen families, we must reach the youths,” shared Jason Wong, the founder of FamChamps®, at FamChamps Awards on 6 July 2024.

FamChamps is a community movement by local Christian charity Focus on the Family Singapore that equips and empowers youths to believe in, live out and champion Family. In 2014, FamChamps was birthed from a series of visions God had given Mr Wong about turning the hearts of fathers to their children and turning the hearts of children to their fathers (Malachi 4:5-6).

“We need to find a way to help youths restore their belief in the institution of marriage and family,” he said. “We want to help youths to believe that they can be part of the solution.”

For the past eight months, participating youths underwent experiential learning and intentional mentoring under the FamChamps Camp Experience. This included opportunities for them to practically apply the principles and handles learnt, and to share these concepts to equip their communities.

Held at Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary) (PLMGS), FamChamps commissioned its 9th batch of young Family Champions at this year’s FamChamps Awards—a platform that celebrates youths’ achievements in making a difference to Family in their homes and schools.

The award ceremony also acknowledged individuals, schools and organisations that have demonstrated excellence and consistency in championing Family. Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) (FMSS) was one of the recipients of the Sustained Impact Award for their participation in FamChamps initiatives since 2016 and for strengthening families by customising family-friendly initiatives in the school’s student development programmes.

As FamChamps celebrates 10 years of God’s faithfulness in the ministry, it specially recognised the contribution of several notable individuals in the FamChamps journey.

Mr Peter Tan, a retired educator and recipient of the FamChamps Milestone Award, recounted the first time he heard about FamChamps when he was the principal of Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) (Barker Road). “The idea of bringing together students from various backgrounds and empowering them to make a positive change in their families and schools resonated deeply with me,” Mr Tan said.

Mr Tan believes that by empowering young people to do their part in nurturing family bonds, FamChamps contributes to their holistic development as responsible individuals. As such, ACS (Barker Road) became part of the pilot FamChamps Camp.

Mr Hakim Hisham was one of the students who joined the Camp in 2014, and whose life was greatly impacted by Mr Tan.

“In Secondary 4, I moved to ACS Oldham Hall so I could stay focused on preparing for the major exams at the end of the year,” Mr Hisham shared.

“Mr Tan was also staying at Oldham Hall then and would always check in on me whenever we bumped into each other. He always saw the best in us even though we proved otherwise,” he reminisced.

“He is a principal who cares deeply for his students, and I am a beneficiary of that.”

Beyond blessing the students under his care, Mr Tan shared the vision of FamChamps with other secondary school principals and rallied them to be part of the pioneer FamChamps Camp.

One of these schools was Geylang Methodist School (Secondary) (GMSS). Mr Michael Koh, who was the teacher-in-charge of FamChamps in GMSS, also received the FamChamps Milestone Award.

Ms Jamie Lee, a GMSS alumnus from the first batch of FamChamps and president of the first FamChamps Council, shared about how Mr Koh had been an inspiration to her: “He went beyond the call of duty and made an effort to be present at Camp, where he could often be seen chatting over supper with his students … His commitment has cultivated a generation of young advocates like me, who believe that youths can be a voice for Family.”

At this 10-year milestone, the youth initiative also celebrated the trailblazing spirit of FamChamps with the FamChamps Legacy Trail—an overnight 53-kilometre cross-island relay that featured 10 Family Champion stories and included 10 FamChamps schools as pitstops, including FMSS, ACS (Barker Road), GMSS and PLMGS.

Comprising three legs where participating alumni and volunteers pass on the baton from one group to the next, the Trail symbolises the collective strength and growing movement of people who champion the cause of Family through the years.

“We believe that to transform generations, we need to meaningfully engage the emerging families—children and youth who will start to form families in the next 10 years and beyond,” shared Delia Ng, CEO of Focus on the Family Singapore.

“By grounding them in a healthy belief of Family, equipping them with practical skills in communication and conflict, and mentoring them to navigate their family life journey, we are ensuring the baton of Family gets passed on for generations to come,” she added.

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