Sat, 26 & 27 Apr 2025
12.30-2.30pm (Lunch) & 7-9.30pm (Dinner)
The Marmalade Pantry, Oasia Hotel Downtown
There are approximately 678 weeks from the time your daughter is born until she becomes a teen.
Every day and every week matters. Your daughter is growing up — FAST!
Especially to the Dads, how you choose to nurture your father-daughter relationship will impact the way she sees herself, and her outlook on future relationships. To support your daughter’s transitions to teen-hood confidently, your daughter needs your presence and affirmation.Â
Whether you are a Mum who desires to see your husband spend quality time with your daughter, or you could be a Dad who wants to do something different for your father-daughter relationship, Date with Dad is a carefully curated experience, just for you!
For Dads and their daughter (11yo and above)
For the past 12 years, Date with Dad has been one of Focus’ signature events, where fathers are given an opportunity to affirm and celebrate their teen daughter’s milestone and journey to becoming a confident young woman.
Father-daughter pairs can look forward to:
Please leave your interest to be informed of the next run!
Early Bird Promo: $195 per pair (U.P. $240 per pair)
Early Bird registration will be open till 1 Oct.
Registration fee includes a 3-course High Tea and a special memento.
ParentEd is a parent education initiative from Focus on the Family Singapore.
Before this event, I rarely, close to never, had the chance to hear my father confess his love for me with such sincerity.
I got to know her and look her in the eyes. I've never talked to her like that. I think it's wonderful. It's the best experience a dad can ever have with his daughter.
I enjoyed Date with Dad thoroughly, especially the Affirmation Time, because I realised my father’s strong love for me and the good things he sees in me even when I feel inferior.
The event gave us an opportunity to think deep into why we love one another. This goes deep beneath the surface of ‘I love you’.
Date with Dad is a one-on-one event which allows you to establish that significant relationship with your daughter and give her your undivided attention.
If you have a younger daughter, you may wish to attend this event with her next year.Â
Date with Dad is designed for dads to have deeper connections with daughters heading into their tweens and teenhood.Â
You may wish to wait till your daughter is older so she will experience the full benefits of the programme.
The recommended maximum age for daughters is 16yo as this event celebrates the important milestone of teen daughters becoming young women.
Research from Institute of Family Studies has shown that there is a unique bond between a father and his daughter — the father-daughter relationship greatly influences a girl’s developing self-image and approach to future romantic relationships.
If you are not a father or are looking for a bonding event with your son, do check out The Select: Mission 1114, a parent-child adventure designed for parent and tween (11-14yo).Â
Find a flat surface, place a ruler on your daughter's ring or middle finger and measure the width to determine the size of her ring.
There are 10 ring sizes, ranging from 1.60cm to 1.90cm, for you to choose from on the registration form. If the ring does not fit your daughter's finger, you will have the opportunity to do an exchange on the event day.
We encourage you to make all necessary arrangements to ensure that you and your daughter's schedules are clear for Date with Dad. There will be no refunds* for cancellations or no-shows.
Requests for transfer of registration will be accepted until 3 Nov 2023.
Please email atÂ
*The Organiser reserves the rights to cancel or reschedule the event due to unforeseen circumstances. Every effort, however, will be made to inform participants as soon as possible of the change. For cancellation of event by the Organiser, fees will be refunded in full.