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Devastated after being rejected by three schools for DSA: How to help your child cope

The Straits Times
Republished with Permission
1 September 2024

Ms June Yong, a family life specialist at Focus on the Family Singapore, says adopting a growth mindset is especially helpful in situations where the outcome is not guaranteed.

For instance, parents could remind their child that he or she can always try another path if this does not work out.

“This carries a sense of optimism and hope, while holding onto a healthy dose of reality, where rejection is always a possible outcome,” Ms Yong says.

Parents can also share their own stories of setbacks and how the experiences helped them become more resilient, she adds.

“If practised consistently, the child will come to view PSLE as an important exam that has some bearing on one’s opportunities for future learning, but does not impede on one’s identity and worth,” she says.

For the full article, please visit Devastated after being rejected by three schools for DSA: How to help your child cope

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